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Decide to Grow with Rental Property Management Analytics

Decide to Grow with Rental Property Management Analytics

Is your rental property management business intelligent?

According to Small Biz Trends,

"previously, data had to be manually pulled into spreadsheets, custom calculations had to be created, and then data was exported into graphs for analysis."

This laborious process made it difficult to get accurate data on your business. But with new tools, you can measure growth with business analytics software. Find out more!

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Rental Property Management Analytics

Owner and Tenant Portals Help You Organize Your Communication

Where did that email go? If you've ever forgotten whether you responded to a tenant or paid an owner, you need a better system for tracking information. Online communication portals for tenants and owners help you keep your information organized so that you can refer back to it in the future. Since these portals are available for owners and tenants to ask questions 24/7, they also help you with your customer service.

Mobile Solutions Allow You To Add and Access Data On the Go

A mobile inspection app is another data tracking tool for rental property managers. This allows you to easily add information about a property when you're on site. You can use a map or add photos that allow you to document the condition of the property. You don't need to go into the office to upload the data or access past property information. This helps you make those on-the-spot decisions that are needed to help your business grow.

Tenant Screening and Lead Tracking Tools Help You Bring in New Tenants

One of the most critical types of data you collect is data on your potential customers. With online tenant screening portals, you can add an application form to your website, allowing visitors to apply for your rental properties when it's convenient for them. This data collection tool is also convenient for you, because with customizable lead capture and tenant screening forms, you can collect information even when you're out of the office.

When you're planning maintenance, use online work orders to help you get your information organized.

Online Work Orders Help You Review Property Maintenance and Repairs

With online work orders, you can not only track your assets, you can organize and track maintenance and repairs. Track information about your properties' assets such as warranty information, primary vendor, and attachments. Create estimates and review invoices online, and get approval from owners using online communication portals. This data collection tool allows you to both review data and use it proactively to set your business up for maintenance success.

Improve Your Insights With Accurate, In Depth Reporting

According to Harvard Magazine, "it is not the quantity of data that is revolutionary. The big data revolution is that now we can do something with the data." What should you do with all of this data you've collected? You can use rental property management software to review everything from accounting information to property inspections. You can also analyze this data, helping you make more informed business decisions.

Grow Your Business With Rental Property Management Analytics

With Propertyware's business analytics software, you'll have access to standard reports, custom reports, and dashboards designed to make business analysis and reporting simple and straightforward. You can take advantage of our easy-to-use, yet powerful analytics tools to make more informed business decisions. Reports can easily be shared by email, scheduled for automated delivery or published into your customer portals. Our straightforward dashboards help you better understand your data and recognize critical trends occurring in real-time.

Ready to Grow with Rental Property Management Software? Look to Propertyware to support your rental property business needs. Get pricing today.

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