Affordable Ways to Boost a Property’s Curb Appeal
A property’s exterior is usually the first thing people notice. Curb appeal attracts potential tenants, persuades them to look more closely at your rental home and will show if read more

How to Maintain Your Property Landscapes this Fall
When it comes to property landscaping in the fall, few of us consider doing more than raking the fallen leaves when the lawn starts going brown. Sometimes read more

Prepping for Severe Weather: The Home Depot Shares How to Prevent Frozen Pipes
Prevent frozen pipes with these simple recommendations from The Home Depot Spring is almost here—but severe weather continues to span the nation, and the biggest March blizzard to date read more

Science-Based Irrigation Made Easy for Property Management
Free service enables property management companies to water lawns more efficiently Getting the maximum benefit from home irrigation systems through evapotranspiration technology (ET) or “smart irrigation” is getting read more

How Low Maintenance Landscaping Saves Time, Money and Labor
Homes with drab landscaping rent more slowly, for less money, but those with fancy landscaping can require lots of maintenance. So how do you achieve a good-looking read more

How to Protect Landscapes From Heavy Rains
Rain can be a rental property’s best remedy for many landscape problems. Many nutrients essential to the survival of trees, plants and grass are stored in those read more

How to Modernize Landscapes at Older Rental Properties
Modernizing landscapes improves the look of older rental properties. Demand for rental properties is in many cases driving investment of older homes. Often accompanying acquisitions of aged housing read more

Protecting Nature’s Greatest Asset: How Proper Tree Care Enhances Properties
The value a tree provides to a home and neighborhood branches far beyond shade relief on a hot summer’s day. Research shows that trees help fortify not read more

Create or Modify Drainage Systems Carefully During Periods of Flooding, Heavy Rain
Some home landscape drainage systems have been put to the test by recent heavy rains and flooding throughout parts of Texas and Oklahoma. Many properties that traditionally read more

Six Steps to Prepare for Heavy Snowfall at your Property
Snow and other forms of precipitation in the Northeast are expected to rival that of a record-shattering year last year as winter gains momentum in January and February. Other read more