Market Your Property Right: Get to Know Your Target Audience

Who is your target audience for your property marketing? The rental market is large, and while your customers may have different backgrounds and needs, each marketing campaign should have a tighter target audience in mind. Get to know your target audience so you can market your property right.
Speak to Your Target Audience
People don't just move into a house, they move into a neighborhood. Whether they're close to hiking trails, the pool, or excellent schools, each neighborhood has its attractions, and each of these amenities speaks to a different demographic. For example, if a neighborhood is a place where seniors congregate and a library and community center are available, target your marketing to an older demographic who would likely value these types of amenities.
Communicate the Right Way
When targeting elderly seniors who are downsizing, your communication strategy will be different than it will be when you target millennials. One group may respond well to print ads in the local newspaper, while the other will likely respond better to rental tips posted on social networking sites. When you know who you're talking to, it becomes easier to keep the conversation going.
Know Your Neighborhood Mix
When you're marketing in a specific region, you need to know who's moving into that area, who are moving out, and what that demographic shift involves. How many renters are there in the neighborhood, and how many owners live there? What is the predominant age group? Put your finger on the pulse of the neighborhood, and you can help grow that neighborhood by helping the right people add themselves to the mix.
Consider Culture
Whether it's a community center or a neighborhood with shops that cater to a specific cultural group, it's important to understand these trends and play to them when you're marketing. If you're focused on a particular cultural or ethnic group, you may want to market in specific newspapers and radio stations to better capture this audience.
Integrate Your Marketing
Sticking to the identical marketing strategy for different types of prospects won't yield the results you want. No matter who your audience is, remember to diversify the ways in which you communicate your message. If you're focusing on a campaign targeting young renters, communicate through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and take your marketing to local festivals and venues where youth are present. Try various approaches to reach the ideal audience with your marketing message.
Refine Your Process
As a property marketer, you're a property matchmaker. Property management systems help bring your audience and properties can come together to create business success and a positive living experience. Get to know the people you work with and the neighborhoods in which you manage properties. With each marketing campaign, identify a target audience and think about what criteria will help you find and reach that group. Consider their needs and communication styles and market to them, then analyze your results to see where adjustments need to be made.
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